The Perfusion Home of Amsterdam..
The Perfusion Group of the Academisch Medisch Centrum
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Greetings to all Clinical Perfusionists from Amsterdam, The Netherlands!

Profile of our department.
We work in the largest university hospital in the capital of the Netherlands.
We are a perfusion team of 5 clinical perfusionists and one perfusionist student and do about 900 adult, pediatic and neonates open heart cases each year in 2 operating suites.
Our mean heart-lung-machines devices are 4 Sarns/3M perfusionsystem 9000 and Sarns/3M TCM heater-coolers.

Allways we use membrane oxygenators and a rollerpump as arterial"heart". Mostly we use for adults "open" systems with Cobe DUO and in some cases "closed heparin coated" Baxter Univox oygenators and do almost all cases in hypothermia to 27 degree Celcius, with cristaloid cardioplegia (St. Tomas Hosp. 1) The devices to cool down our cardioplegia solution is the Macci.
Mostly we have a adult pumpprime of 1250 ml Haemaccel (gelantin), 500 ml Lactated Ringers, 100 ml Mannitol 20%, 50 ml NaHCO3 and we aid 1 gram of Magnesium sulphate for each 1 kg body weight to the prime.
In pediatic cases from 12 up to 45 kg we use the Cobe VPCML and in cases lower then 12 kg we use the Medtronic Minimax Plus. Our lowest priming is 750 ml.

We are responsible for all extracorporeal techniques in our hospital. We are now involved in the building of a centre for Thoraco Abdominal Aortic Surgery. Here we use the Sarns/3M Delphin certifugal pump as left heart bypass.
We do 70 cases of Intra Aortic Balloon Pump support, some PTCA support, VAD, ECMO and ECCO2R).
For IABP we have Datascope System 97, 90 and 83.

Dept. for Extra Corporeal Circulation Technology
Academisch Ziekenhuis bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam

  • Peter Rutten EKP. (Peter M. Rutten) The other members of our team.
  • Jenny van den Goor EKP
  • Fred W.J. van Hardevelt EKP
  • Jos Meijer EKP
  • Evert W. Scholten EKP
  • Ariane Hagen PIO (student)
    Post-adress: Academisch Medisch Centrum
    Meibergdreef 9
    1105 AZ Amsterdam
    The Netherlands.
    Some perfusion related pages on Internet. `
  • Extracorporeal Technology Page
  • Yahoo - Health:Medicine:Surgery:Organ Transplants
  • ELSO Home Page
  • Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
  • Cardiovascular Surgery - New York University Medical Center
  • Nederlandse Gezondheidszorg medical links page
  • Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam (NL)
    Copyright © July 10th 1995 Peter Rutten
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